A Place to Belong and Believe
Being in community plays a large role in spiritual growth. Sandhills offers a variety of groups to help you #GetConnected. Our groups operate on a 2-semester (Fall and Spring) format with each semester lasting about 12 weeks. The groups study a variety of topics--from books of the Bible to subjects dealing with Christian living.
Multiply Yourself by Leading Others
​There are 3 types of groups that you can Lead:
Community Groups - These are traditional Bible studies that meet regularly and focus on the study of the Bible, prayer, fellowship, caring for one another, and outreach.
Activity Groups - These are organized around common interests like working on cars or doing crafts but with a spiritual component. The expectation is that leaders will at least provide a devotional and have a time of prayer in addition to their activity.
Connect Groups - These are groups of about 2 to 4 people that meet for mentoring or discipleship. These groups are closed to new members and don't take attendance. Some examples of these groups are a family that wants to commit to doing a Bible study together for a semester, a couple who wants to process a book on marriage together, or 2 people that meet for accountability. Pastor Tom can suggest materials to use for a Bible study and will check in with the group a few times during the semester to see how things are going. Membership in the church is not required to lead one of these groups.​
Important Dates for Community & Activity Group Leaders
Hosts & Connect Group Leaders are invited to attend these meetings as well
January 26th, 12:45pm - 2:30pm - New Leader Training
For all Group Leaders new to leading at Sandhills. Lunch and childcare are provided.
February 16th, 12:45pm - 3pm - Equip Leader Workshop
For all new and returning Group Leaders. Lunch and childcare are provided.
On-Campus Group Fairs - 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, & 2/23
Click Here for the New Group Leader Expectation & Info Packet
Click Here for the Spring 2025 Group Leader/Host Application
Connect Groups
These are groups of about 2 to 4 people that meet for mentoring or discipleship. Some examples of these groups are a family that wants to commit to doing a Bible study together for a semester, a couple who wants to process a book on marriage together, or 2 people that meet for accountability. Pastor Tom can suggest material.
Outreach Idea
One way we show the Love of Christ in a practicle way is through Good News Care Packages. Assemble some of these bags for yourself or with your group, and keep them in your car. The next time you see a panhandler or a homeless person, give them one. These packages will help meet both practicle and spiritual needs.
We can help! Feel free to contact the Discipleship Team, if you have any questions.
Tom Medeiros - Pastor of Discipleship & Leadership Development
Craig Lewis - Assistant Pastor of Discipleship
Merrilee Pace - Discipleship Ministry Assistant
803-699-7112 option 3