A Place to Belong and Believe
Being in community plays a large role in spiritual growth. Sandhills offers a variety of groups to help you #GetConnected. Our groups operate on a 2-semester (Fall and Spring) format with each semester lasting about 12 weeks. The groups study a variety of topics--from books of the Bible to subjects dealing with Christian living.
Join a Group
Connect to Each Other Through Choosing Community
We have 4 types of groups that you can join.
Community Groups – These are traditional Bible studies that meet regularly and focus on the study of the Bible, prayer, fellowship, caring for one another, and outreach.
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Activity Group - Activity Groups are organized around common interests but also have a spiritual component. In addition to the activity, there is devotional time and prayer.
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Sandhills University - Sandhills University is the place to go deep in your relationship with the Lord and with your understanding of the Bible. Our classes are often taught by some of the most prominent Bible teachers and professors in Columbia. Tuition is $50.00 per person or $85.00 per couple. Tuition includes books, class materials, lunch, and childcare.
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Couples Connect Group - Help your marriage to thrive. This group is for couples or couples about to be married. As a couple, commit to spending 15 minutes, 1 day a week for the next 3 months to read a passage of scripture, pray, and process biblical truth regarding your relationship to God and each other. We will gather as couples at the beginning of the semester to walk through the materials and celebrate what God is going to do in your relationship.
Connect Groups
These are groups of about 2 to 4 people that meet for mentoring or discipleship. Some examples of these groups are a family that wants to commit to doing a Bible study together for a semester, a couple who wants to process a book on marriage together, or 2 people that meet for accountability. Pastor Tom can suggest material.
Outreach Idea
One way we show the Love of Christ in a practicle way is through Good News Care Packages. Assemble some of these bags for yourself or with your group, and keep them in your car. The next time you see a panhandler or a homeless person, give them one. These packages will help meet both practicle and spiritual needs.
We can help! Feel free to contact the Discipleship Team, if you have any questions.
Tom Medeiros - Pastor of Discipleship & Leadership Development
Craig Lewis - Assistant Pastor of Discipleship
Merrilee Pace - Discipleship Ministry Assistant
803-699-7112 option 3