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Sandkidz is kidz ministry offered on Sunday morning during the 9:30 am and 11 am services. We strategically partner with parents by leading children to live Christ-centered lives through weekly worship and teaching. Our curriculum offers age-appropriate lessons, engaging children with Biblical truth and creative activities meant to bridge the gap between spiritual growth at home and church.

What is Sandkidz?

New to Sandkidz?

We would love to know more about your family before you arrive on Sunday morning.

Pre-register here to help your check-in experience run smoothly on Sunday.

Curriculum at Home

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Stream Sandkidz Sunday morning curriculum  at home.

Sandkidz Playdate

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Sandkidz Ministry invites you to join us on our upcoming PLAYDATES!

Connect Camp 

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This 1 week, high energy day camp is for K-5th. It's filled with fun, faith-based lessons, and lasting friendships.

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